
mg冰球突破豪华版下载选择了剪纸, a tool of choice among universities and colleges across the county, as the software application to support our desire to improve the sustainability and efficiency of our print operations. PaperCut allows us to collect important analytics and trends in an effort to continually understand the printing environment. This information will help us optimize print capabilities while also reducing the amount of toner and paper waste, 哪个对我们的环境有害.




There were a number of reasons that limitations had to be placed on printing. 这些包括:

  • 全校范围内减少碳足迹的努力
  • 全校范围内减少纸张使用量的努力
  • Rising costs of printing resources (printers, paper, toner, etc.)
  • 确保整个校园的可持续印刷模式



  • 单面黑白:$0.055/首页
  • 双面黑白:$0.045 /返回页面
  • 单面颜色:$0.10 /首页
  • 双面颜色:$0.094 /返回页面


每位学生每年将获得70美元的印刷费. 70美元将分成两次支付,每次35美元. 第一笔支出在8月份增加, 在第一学期的第一天之前, and the second $35 disbursement is added on the first day of Term II. You can add additional funding, as needed, anytime during the year.


是的,你增加的钱将在学年期间滚动. 所提供的两笔付款并非如此. Any unused term allotments from Term I will be zeroed out when Term II allotments are added. After summer classes end in August, any unused allotments or funds you added will be zeroed out.


You will not be able to print any additional documents until funds are added to your account. Remaining print jobs will stay in the print queue for 3 days unprinted, and then must be resent.

Will I be able to put funds on my account for additional prints?

是的, 您可以在方便的时候添加资金, 可以到你的学生账户,也可以通过信用卡. 资金直接通过 ecprint.埃尔迈拉.edu.


在计算机实验室的计算机上, the PaperCut agent will tell you the balance on your personal account. 你也可以在 ecprint.埃尔迈拉.edu.

Will I be able to give unused printing funds to another student?

Allotted money that IT puts on your account cannot be transferred. However, if you have added funds, you can transfer those funds to another student.

How is billing handled for printing student club or organization printing?

All printing for student organizations must be done through the Office of Student Life. 你的印刷品应通过电子邮件发送给凯利约翰逊 kejohnson@埃尔迈拉.edu 批准.


Students are able to print from all lab computers in the Nathenson Computer Center, GTL ERC实验室, 考尔斯计算机实验室202室, 考尔斯计算机实验室206室.


图书馆一楼提供彩印服务. Additionally, there is a color printer available on the terrace level of the library in the Open Lab.


是的, students will be able to copy from their personal accounts using the copiers located on the first floor on the GTL.

在任何机器上都能扫描吗? 这项服务要收费吗?

The copiers in the GTL have the capability of scanning to a USB flash drive. There is no charge for this service; however students must provide their own flash drives. You will also have the ability to scan directly to your email or to someone else.


是的. You can print to available web printers from the webprint tab at ecprint.埃尔迈拉.edu 但仅限于列出的设备.


确保只有你在使用你的印刷资金, be sure to always log off of computers when you are not at them and do not allow friends or other members to use your network credentials or student ID card.


退款请求应通过电子邮件发送至 helpdesk@埃尔迈拉.edu 并且必须包含以下信息:

  • 提交打印作业的用户
  • 提交打印作业的日期和时间
  • 提交作业的打印机
  • 印刷版(附详细资料)

The print job that you are requesting a refund for must also be dropped off at the IT Help Desk in the Basement of the GTL. 如果在IT帮助台关闭时提交退款, please leave in the drop box at the desk that is marked for print refunds.

所有退款请求将由管理员审核. 发送请求后,将通知打印管理员. The printing administrator will review the given information and approve or deny the request as needed within 2 business days. Students can request printing refunds within 24 hours of a printer error. Note that the refund will go into your printing allocation and not be refunded in cash. If the job printed successfully but the papers or ink are damaged, please make sure that you provide the damaged papers to the Help Desk personnel for them to determine and process your refund, 否则, 退款要求可能会被拒绝.
